Last weekend, I was able to spend the day shooting all sorts of beautiful mommas and their babes for the mommy and me sessions. One family asked me to do their little girls first birthday “Cake Smash” after their session. I told them I have never done one before, but would of course love to try! I can’t tell you how much fun it was! From setting up the set, to editing the photos, this is probably up there as one of my most favourite shoots to date.
Nevaeh was so well behaved and happy. Even though we were expecting her to dive right into the cake (as most babies would have), she loved taking her time crawling around exploring the grass all around her.
When she got to the cake, she was so adorable picking at the icing, slowly trying the cake and laughing the whole time. Her facial expressions were beyond priceless.
Even Nevaeh’s brother, Kiptyn, did so well watching his sister eat the cake and patiently waiting to have some for himself!
Overall the weather, the cake, and the company made for a fantastic evening!
Happy 1st birthday Nevaeh!